Monday, February 13, 2012

Tips Four, Five, and Six

This week in Photo J, we continued to look at Kodak's Top Ten Tips. The Three Tips we learned this week were to take vertical pictures, blur the background, and zoom in close. Here of some examples of these techniques. 

This picture is an example of a vertical picture. When your out and about taking photos, turn your camera vertically ever fifth or sixth picture. I know this feels uncomfortable for some, but objects that are standing vertically usually look better photographed vertically. 

This picture is an example of blurring the background. To blur the background in a picture, focus on the background while holding down the focus button halfway. Then actually move the camera to face the subject you want the camera to focus on. When you move the camera back, the focus of your picture should be the subject you focused on second. You should be able to tell what objects are in the background, but they should be blurred. 

This picture is an example of zooming in close. Zooming in close, also known as filling the frame, give a more personal shot with great detail. When taking a zoomed picture, get as close to the object as you possibly can before zooming with the camera. 
Hope y'all enjoyed these helpful hints. Go be artsy- food, friends, and fashion. 

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