Monday, April 16, 2012

The Road to my Photo Essay

A photo essay is a collection of pictures that, together, tell a story. These pictures usually vary in size and subjects, but ultimately create an overall theme. Sometimes photo essays are created to evoke emotion, and other times they are created to promote awareness or to inform. In photo journalism this week we are creating photo essays of our own. After much thought, I decided to create a photo essay with the topic of graffiti. Let's hope this turns out well!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Pop of Color

This week in photo j we learned how to take a normal picture filled with colors and isolate one. After creating a two layer background, we made the entire photo black and white. Then, using the eraser tool, we went back and erased the area that we chose for a color to shine through.
Hope you take this tip to use and create some awesome pops of color in a dull back and white. Enjoy -food, friends, and fashion.